History Of Our School

The Park English School was established on January 1, 1957 by three eminent Anglo-Indian educationists – Mrs. Doreen Mann, Mrs. Sheila Biber and Mrs. Phyllis Stracy.

It began as a small Kinder-Garten cum Creche school at 15 Park Street, Kolkata 700016 on 24th November 1958.

The administration of the school was taken over by the Society for the Advancement of English Education in India. In late 1980 the school shifted to its present premises at 115 Park Street and in 1981 it obtained affiliation from the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.

The primary goal of the school as envisaged by the founders is to impart quality education to Anglo-Indian and other boys and girls through the medium of the English Language.

The school aims to assist in the healthy, natural development of the student’s mind, to form wholesome personal habits, to learn to live easily and successfully with others. In short, to prepare them to face life in the world.

Co-curricular activities include Games, Sports, Debating, Elocution Quizzes, Dance, Karate etc.

The Park English School is a certified minority educational institution under Article 30 of The Constitution of India of 1949, under National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions, Government of India, New Delhi. A recognised ANGLOINDIAN MINORITY INSTITUTION, imparting quality, value education for the last sixty five years. It is recognised by Government of West Bengal under the code of Anglo Indian Schools and under the Education Department, Government of West Bengal.

It is owned and managed by the Society for the Advancement of English Education in India.